Adventure near Dead Horse Pass

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Rarely do I visit the north slope of the Uinta Mountains even though I've been told it's as rich as the south slope.
I also rarely ride a horse but on this occasion, with the invitation from a friend, I decided to go for it.

On August 22, 2011 my friend Brock, his dad Kent, Kent's friend Jason, my brother-in-law Ken and I started our 3 day
adventure into the high Uintas. We traveled into Wyoming and then south to the Blacksfork River drainage.



Our short term goal was to make it to Dead Horse Lake and setup camp. Little did I know just how much
work it is to haul 5 guys and supplies on 8 horses about 8 miles into such rugged and remote country.


For someone like me who is totally in the dark about the logistics of such an undertaking it was a big eye opener.
I wasn't exactly watching the clock but it must have taken 3 hours or more from the time we got out of the trucks
until we were underway on the horses. Everything was weighed and weighed again to make certain everything
would ride smoothly for the 3 hour ride. These guys know their passion and are extremely good at it.


The closer we came to the high divide the prettier it became. I loved every minute.
I just had to keep reminding my fanny of that.
 last it was time to setup camp. We are going to sleep well tonight.


What a gorgeous area! However we must deal with nature on her terms.
In the picture above is dead horse pass. Obviously not all of the snow will melt this year.
And in the next picture it isn't hard to see why it's called Dead Horse Pass.
This year it was even hard to traverse the pass on foot.
The snow covered much of the trail and the harsh winter had wiped out sections of the trail.




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Page created 9/21/11.