Osceola, Nevada


Osceola was a thriving gold town in the late 1800s.
Only a small portion of the original town remains.

The remains sit in Grub Gulch located just north of Dry Gulch pictured here.
It's about 35 miles east of Ely, Nevada. Most of the land in this photo is patented property.
A 24 pound nugget was found near here in 1878.

Here is a picture of my good friend Bob Ostlund. I consider him to be as honest as the day is long.
He runs this gold recovery plant in Drygulch.

Now that's a trommel !

This is Bob's gold from 2 days of hard work.

This is our gold from 2 days of hard work on his property (about 1/3rd of an ounce).
Bob has been very friendly with us over the years and allows us to recover gold from his property.

The desert is very dry. Weaver creek, just around the hill, is a welcome oasis.
What a spot to camp! My son Del Ray and our friends Wesley and Archie Alexander
were great company for me on this trip.


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