The Mines at Little Valley

There is a hill a few miles south of Wallsburg with a labyrinth of mines and caves dotting its surface.
This honeycomb of openings has been called the Josephine by some, the bone mine by others,
and still others call them the Little Valley mines. No matter what you call them this system
of mines make for great exploring. Please be careful if you go inside!

These mines are located on the 7.5 minute USGS maps and can be found without too much trouble.
The first one you will come to is a natural cave with several entrances.
Some of them connect with the cave system while others do not.

This is a picture of the distant hill where the mines are.
As you near the location you may notice symbols on trees.

This is one of several symbols.

This is the main cave entrance. There are other entrances.

George Thompson, a renowned author, said a buffalo skull was discovered in this mine
complete with a map carved into it's forehead. Thus he called it the "bone mine."
This mine/cave is at: 40° 18.107' N. 111° 24.155' W. elevation 7541 feet.

These natural



facing North.



Here is a view

of only one,

of several



on the

eastern slope

of the hill.



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